
Angular directive for exporting and downloading JSON data into a CSV file


Demo is running in Plunker here..


Include the module in your

ngModule.controller(myApp, ['export.csv'])

Create a link in your HTML and add required attributes

<a export export-data="answers" export-filename="Export" export-title="" export-keys="" export-headers="">Export Data </a>



Array: Required

This contains the array of objects you want to download as csv. It must be a array of objects. e.g

asnwers = [{Header1: Column1_1, Header2: Column1_2, Header3: Column1_3}, {Header1: Column2_1, Header2: Column2_2, Header3: Column2_3}]


String: Required

This is the name of the file to download. If it’s not provided, the file name will be in the format Export_Current_Date;


####String: Optional This is the title included inside the CSV download. An example CSV with a title is shown below

CSV Title goes here

Header1, Header2, Header3,
Column1_1, Column1_2, Column1_3,
Column2_1, Column2_2, Column2_3


Array: Optional

This is an optional array of what keys you want to extract from your data. The export will only contain these keys. <a export export-data="answers" export-filename="Export" export-title="" export-keys="['Header1','Header3']" export-headers="">Export Data </a>

Header1, Header3,
Column1_1, Column1_3,
Column2_1, Column2_3


Array: Optional

By default, the CSV headers are the keys of all the objects you want to export. But you wan override them. The headers must be the same length as the data or the keys you want from the data.

<a export export-data="answers" export-filename="Export" export-title="" export-keys="" export-headers="['Answer 1', 'Answer 2', 'Answer 3']">Export Data </a>

Answer1, Answer2, Answer3,
Column1_1, Column1_2, Column1_3,
Column2_1, Column2_2, Column2_3